The Orlando Magic are almost against the wall. With only inches to spare, what will they do? The Orlando Magic now face a tough task of trying to edge out the Los Angeles Lakers in tonight’s NBA Finals Game 3 to avoid sinking even further to a 0-3 hole. It’s a virtual must-win for Dwight Howard, Rashard Lewis, Hedo Turkoglu, and company as being down 3-0 is almost an impossible task. I know it’s possible, but given the way the Lakers are playing right now, it’s highly improbable. Kobe Bryant have been shooting on all cylinders since Game 1, will the Magic find the answer to the Black Mamba tonight? Will Dwight Howard become a more offensive threat like he was in the early stages of the Playoffs? These answers will determine one team’s demise and one team’s victory. One team’s survival and one team’s despair. We will find out after 48 minutes of intense action. Game 3 of the NBA Finals will be tonight at 9 PM Eastern time.

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